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San Bernardino National Forest

Bark Beetle and Drought Hazardous Tree Removal (DRI/BB), Southern California Edison. Southern California.

The Hazardous Tree Removal Project (DRI/BB) focuses on removal of dead and dying trees near the power lines throughout SCE’s service territory. Subcontracting for Environmental Intelligence, MVBC conducts pre-construction surveys, focused special-status species surveys, habitat assessments, biological monitoring, and reporting.


Hazardous Tree Removal Plan (HTMP), Southern California Edison. Southern California. 

The Hazardous Tree Removal Project (HTMP) focuses on removal of living, hazardous trees in close proximity to active transmission lines within choice high-fire districts of SCE’s service territory. Subcontracting for Environmental Intelligence, MVBC conducts pre-construction surveys, focused special-status species surveys, habitat assessments, biological monitoring, and reporting.


Routine Line Clearance (RLC), Southern California Edison. Mono & Inyo Counties.

MVBC provides nesting bird and wetlands/waters surveys for tree trimming and removal within Mono County.  MVBC conducts nesting bird surveys, botanical surveys, wetlands/waters surveys, compliance monitoring, impacts reporting, and submits daily reports using Suvey123 and Collector.


Caltrans 08-1J9404. San Bernardino County.

MVBC is contracted as the Contractor-Supplied Biologist (CSB) and to produce the Natural Resources Protection Plan (NRPP). MVBC conducts pre-construction surveys, partial-presence compliance monitoring, clearance sweeps for Desert Tortoise and Burrowing Owl, Nesting Birds, and rare plants. MVBC created a Survey123 form to collect data, and submits weekly monitoring reports to our client. 


Caltrans 08-0G8004. San Bernardino County.

MVBC is contracted as the Contractor-Supplied Biologist (CSB) and to produce the Natural Resources Protection Plan (NRPP). MVBC conducts pre-construction surveys, partial-presence compliance monitoring, clearance sweeps for Nesting Birds and rare plants, and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher monitoring. MVBC created a Survey123 form to collect data, and submits weekly monitoring reports to our client. 


Caltrans 08-1G0104. Riverside County.

MVBC is contracted as the Contractor-Supplied Biologist (CSB) and to produce the Natural Resources Protection Plan (NRPP). MVBC conducts pre-construction surveys, daily compliance monitoring, clearance sweeps for Desert Tortoise and Burrowing Owl, Nesting Birds, and rare plants. MVBC created a Survey123 form to collect data, and submits weekly monitoring reports to our client. 


Biological Site Assessment: Home in Rancho Palos Verdes. Los Angeles County.

MVBC conducted Desktop Analysis using ArcGIS and the CNDDB, USFWS Critical Habitat Mapper, NWI, NHD, and other resources, followed by a field analysis for suitable CAGN habitat as well as general botanical and biological assessment. A technical report was provided to the satisfied client for permitting purposes. 


Burrowing Owl Assessment: Havadjia Holdings, Inc.. Riverside County.

MVBC conducted a Burrowing Owl Phase I Habitat Assessment for a proposed project in Riverside County, including Agency Notification and Reporting, and a technical report of findings provided to the satisfied client for permitting. 


Oasis, Point Wind, and Windland Wind Energy Project: Terra-Gen, Kern County.

MVBC biologists conduct pre-construction surveys for nesting birds, environmental impacts and hazards, burrows and middens, and rare plants. The biologists conduct rare plant relocation as required, midden removal, venomous snake relocation, and flagging of sensitive resources. The biologists monitor construction to ensure compliance with applicable state, federal, and project-specific protocols and mitigation measures. Daily reports are provided to the client. 


M.A.P.S. Banding Station. San Bernardino County.

MVBC is proud to operate the first MAPS Bird Banding station in the San Bernardino National Forest since 1996 in cooperation with SkyPark Santa's Village.  The station banded over 250 birds from over 20 species in its first year (2019), and contributed feather samples to the UCLA Bird Genoscape Project.


Delineating Drainages within the National Forests of Southern California.

MVBC is delineating streams within the National Forest Boundaries of Southern California as a pilot project.  MVBC will be publishing the data and the process, and sharing our product with agencies and other consulting firms in order to promote cooperation as well as assist with land a and project management.






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