About US
As a certified Woman Owned Business, Mountainview Biological Consulting (MVBC) provides professional biological and ecological consulting and support services while assisting clients with meeting their diversity supplier goals. Founded as the dream of Rheanna Neidinger, MVBC’s nearly thirty experienced biologists bring federal and state permits, multiple certifications and advanced degrees, and a broad range of specialties to your projects. We offer passionate and professional botanists, ornithologists, general terrestrial biologists, and GIS technicians capable of producing high-quality data and reports, and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and project-specific protocols. We conduct Status Species Surveys (Protocol), General Avian Surveys including Nesting Bird Surveys, Habitat Assessments and General Biological Resources Assessments, Biologist's Statements of Habitat, Wetland Delineations, General Botanical Surveys and Focused Rare Plant Surveys, and Compliance Monitoring in accordance with USFWS, USDA and CDFW guidelines. Our biologists are distributed across three locations in Northern and Southern California, with our primary focus area being the Inland Empire of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
California Department of Transportation — Disadvantaged Business Entity (DBE), #47954
California Public Utilities Commission — Women Business Enterprise (CPUC WBE), VON #17001300
California Department of General Services — Small Business/Micro Business (DGS SB/MB), #2013701
California Department of Industrial Relations — Public Works Certificate (CADIR), #PW-LR-1000536118